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News and insights about trade, investment, employment, governance, and more, for investors who want a more just and sustainable global economy.

Althea’s mesh network -- where neighbors supply each other with internet and users pay with cryptocurrency -- is deploying in the U.S. and Africa as demand rises.The startup is expanding during the pandemic, as social isolation highlights...
On March 30, the city unveiled a $1 billion plan to become carbon neutral in 10 years even as schools and businesses were closed because of COVID-19. Ann Arbor officials say that the coronavirus outbreak underlines the plan’s...
COVID-19 is bolstering operations at data centers that are already consumers of water, especially in the arid Southwest.Data centers use massive amounts of water and generate, in many cases, millions of gallons daily of wastewater.The Southwest is...
The World Economic Forum’s call for companies to have a broader mandate than just profit-making will be tested by the pandemic.Companies that use crisis to reinvent themselves will come out of the crisis in better shape, digital...
The number of deals in impact investing was down by about half in the first quarter from a year prior, according to PitchBook.Investments plummet on economic retrenching due to pandemic-based recessionImpact investors who have committed to the...
While impact investors are typically focused on a longer-term outlook, it’s impossible amid a global coronavirus pandemic not to look at the very immediate, short-term needs around the world, and how the drastic changes caused by the...
COVID-19 crisis is testing the resiliency of private equity and social impact investors as cash flow and funding dry up.Emergency measures eyed to keep portfolio companies afloat.Immigrant and emerging market funds may weather pandemic better than those...
The U.N. launched a COVID-19 plan to end the pandemic and rebuild a post-virus economy. Secretary-General Guterres says the pandemic is signaling the need for a better worldwide wide public-health infrastructure.COVID-19 shines a spotlight on the vulnerability of...
Impact investors with money in sectors such as biotech, health and communications technology may see pandemic-fueled growth.Forecasting models from a leading climate change stress-analysis firm suggest that share prices may be down as much as 38% this...
Disrupted supply chains from China, India and Turkey that grow such green raw products as cotton and hemp, as well as factory shutdowns in places like Portugal, are leading to low inventory among some U.S. vendors of...
Health apps are being downloaded at a furious rate during the coronavirus pandemic as homebound workers seek assistance.Telehealth is expected to make up almost a quarter of the healthcare market over the next five years.CEO of Healthlynked,...
As the coronavirus upends life around the globe, sustainability advocates are focusing more on social and governance issues and less on environmental ones.Impact investors see opportunities to advance healthtech, take care of workers and support corporate changes...
COVID-19’s impact on the workplace and other behaviors may lead to long-term environmental benefits.Changing priorities in the workplace may choose a new set of winners and losers in the global economy.Workplaces and industries are being tested in...
CEOs committed to social impact initiatives are more likely to move on to bigger and better leadership roles, according to an analysis of almost 2,000 leadership transitions.The study’s findings reinforce the value placed on corporate social responsibility and...
Goldman Sachs Asset Management says they will vote against directors if a company’s board lacks women.The move may have a bigger impact in countries where there are few women on boards of directors.Move reflects a recognition by...
Pension funds representing about $2 trillion in assets under management are committing to sustainability investingThe move brings some of the world’s largest asset owners into the ESG movement, joining fund managers, companies and governmentsPension funds’ ESG commitment...
Market gyrations testing investors’ commitment to ESG investingA stock-market rout may be the first critical test for sustainability investors and funds, many of whom have never faced a prolonged down market.Coronavirus may reduce carbon footprints around the...
As AI disrupts the financial industry, the current stock selloff is testing assumptions about the industry’s future and showing the need for human skills.Robo-advisors increasingly important to younger investors and big banks are adapting to the demand.While...
Activist investors are now demanding that companies they hold shares in commit to sustainability.More than 90% of millennial investors aim to customize where they put their money, in part based on sustainability, Zacks reportsMoves by Elliott Management...
California law on female directors seeks to boost equalityDiverse leadership has been shown to help public companies outperformGoldman Sachs, BlackRock are lending Wall Street clout to the movement as gender equality in the corporate world gains momentum
Can BlackRock deliver on its pledge to hold companies accountable on sustainability issues?The $7 trillion asset manager is one of the biggest shareholders of most of the world’s listed businesses.World’s largest asset manager has faced criticism about...
Colleges and universities whose endowments have embraced environmental, social, and governance investing and have divested fossil fuel holdings are not “sacrificing financial returns” for sustainability, a new report says. “The bottom line is ESG investing...
The dark side of making microloans to the poor is on display in Kenya, where small borrowers are defaulting on loans from Tala, a U.S. fintech firm that claims to lift customers with a dream out of...
Just as money moves around in a financial system, seeding companies and wealth, investors are seeking startups that give trash a few extra spins through the economy. Money is pouring into the so-called circular...
Speeding or slamming on the brakes when you drive may bump up your insurance rates if Allstate rolls out a program it’s testing in Arizona. The insurer is trying out a phone app that...
Investors who want their money to go to companies committed to environmental, social or governance principles may be surprised to find tech giants Microsoft, Alphabet and Apple taking up most of the space in their ESG-focused funds....
Oil and natural gas pipeline companies have long been a target for environmentalists’ ire — think of the Keystone battle, as well as protests from Ecuador to Nigeria. Those companies appear to have cleaned...
As artificial intelligence worms its way into healthcare, entertainment and nearly every other facet of business, financial service leaders expect they are next and see far-reaching effects roiling the industry within the next two years.Almost four out...
An opaque segment of the credit industry — the $1.2 trillion leveraged loan market — is the latest to see the light on sustainability investing. As lenders determine where to put money, buyers of...
Values-based investing has long been relegated to a back office, the province of predominantly female junior staffers. Now it’s having its moment — and guess what? Men want in. While men...
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